PharmacoMicrobiomics: The Drug-Microbiome Portal

How Bugs Modulate Drugs?

Launched on 11/11/11; Current Release 1.5 (21 Mar 2021): Spring of Hope! (Release History)

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Summary Gut microbes (species: Prevotella copri) increase Nivolumab's response to substance.
Nivolumab (PubChem SID: 160698453)
Prevotella copri (Tax ID: 165179)
increase response to substance
Gut microbiome diversity greatly affects nivolumab (anti-programmed cell death 1-1) response. Non-small-cell lung carcinoma patients receiving nivolumab were classified as responders and non-responders according to unique memory CD8+ T cell and natural killer cell which produced in response to nivolumab. This classification is further correlated with the gut microbiome. Good responder showed a great diversity of favorable gut microbiome (Alistipes putredinis, Bifidobacterium longum, and Prevotella copri), While non-responders had a high abundance of Ruminococcus_unclassified.

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