PharmacoMicrobiomics: The Drug-Microbiome Portal

How Bugs Modulate Drugs?

Launched on 11/11/11; Current Release 1.5 (21 Mar 2021): Spring of Hope! (Release History)

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Summary Gut microbes (currently unknown members) are affected by Apple pomace's N/A.
Apple pomace (PubChem CID: 135278670)
are affected by N/A
Apple dietary fibers isolated from pomace extraction juices, produced by enzymic liquefaction, affects intestinal fermentation through the modulation of the intestinal microbiota. Both juice colloids and alcohol-insoluble substance (AIS) increased the cecal biomass in rats and lowered luminal pH values through increasing the concentration of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), which suggests good fermentability of apple substrates by the gut microbiota. Changes in cecal microbiota due to apple DF were restricted to the Eubacterium rectale cluster (AIS; P<0.05) and in faeces to the Bacteroidaceae (juice colloids and AIS; P<0.05).

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